As part of the Judicial Department’s endeavor to prepare a development project for the notary services by linking the litigation power of attorney to the case management system, allowing courts to view the agencies electronically and follow up on any update thereon by cancelling or renewing. As well as developing the mechanism of electronic registration services of lawsuits by speeding up the completion of linking the power of attorney issued by the notary of the Judicial Department to the casefile electronically, and the follow-up of the time limits specified in the power of attorney issued by the Judicial Department. Pursuant to the decision of the Council of the Judiciary at its meeting held on 9 July 2024.
The following circular was issued:
First: The Non-acceptance of the litigation power of attorney submitted in the proceedings before the courts of the judiciary, unless issued by the notary of the Department.
Second: The Department of Lawyers and Experts is committed to circulating the information contained in this circular to the law firms registered to the Department logs and courts.
Third: This circular shall be effective from the beginning of September 2024 and shall be notified to the obliged to implement it.