
DMT Conference, FIDIC Contracts regarding the Disputes in Construction Contracts

The Legal and Government Affairs sector at the Department of Municipalities and Transport recently organized a seminar titled “Disputes in Construction Contracts,” featuring Dr. Mohammed Haitham Salman, the Managing Partner at Middle East Alliance Legal Consultancy.


The first panel discussion of the seminar delved into pre-emptive measures to avoid conflicts in construction contracts. The second panel focused on dispute resolution procedures. Dr. Mohammed Haitham Salman provided valuable insights into the 2017 edition of standard construction contracts (the Red Book) issued by FIDIC. He introduced the role of dispute resolution boards (DAAB) in the new edition, emphasizing their early involvement in tracking and resolving disputes, thereby reducing dependence on courts or arbitration. Dr. Salman highlighted the significance of DAAB for construction project managers, particularly given the new edition’s differentiation between claims and disputes.


In appreciation of their valuable efforts and effective contribution to the seminar, H.E. Mr. Youssef Al-Kuwaiti, the Executive Director of the Legal and Government Affairs sector at the Department of Municipalities and Transport, presented certificates of appreciation to the speakers at the conclusion of the event.

