

Federal Decree-Law No. (13) of 2024 Regarding Protection from Domestic Violence


The family is the fundamental unit of society. The formation of a cohesive and interconnected family contributes to building a united and healthy community. This decree-law has been enacted to protect families from domestic violence and to provide necessary protection for victims. It establishes penalties aimed at deterring offenders in cases of domestic violence.


The term “family” refers to individuals connected by blood relations, marriage, or legal responsibility, and includes:

1.Husband and wife, and their children.

2. The spouse of the mother or the spouse or spouses of the father.

3. Children of either spouse from a previous marriage.

4. Relatives by blood or marriage up to the fourth degree.

5. Individuals bound by custody, guardianship, or legal authority.

6. A child placed under the custody of a foster family.


Definition of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence encompasses any act, omission, statement, or threat, as well as neglect or sexual or economic exploitation perpetrated by one or more family members, aimed at inflicting physical, psychological, sexual, or economic harm on the victim.


Reporting Domestic Violence:

1. The victim of domestic violence, or any individual who is aware of an incident—whether a family member, a community member, or someone who becomes aware in the course of their work or profession—has the right to report the incident to the relevant ministry, competent authority, or social support center immediately.


2. If the incident involves physical or sexual violence, it must be reported to the police. The identity of individuals reporting domestic violence cases will be kept confidential.


Penalties for Domestic Violence:

1.Any person who commits an act of domestic violence as defined in Article 4 of this decree-law shall be punished by imprisonment and/or a fine not exceeding 50,000 dirhams, or by one of these penalties.


2.The penalty shall be aggravated if the victim is a parent, a relative of the offender, an individual over the age of 60, a pregnant woman, a child, a person with disabilities, or someone who is legally incompetent, provided that the offense was committed within one year of the previous act.


To view the official decision>>Acrobat Document.pdf

