► The family is considered the core foundation that ensures the cohesion and unity of society’s members. Accordingly, this Federal Decree-Law was issued to establish a new ministry called the Ministry of Family, which is responsible for all matters related to the family, including social, health, psychological, educational, and other aspects. The law places significant focus on people of determination, senior citizens, and other vulnerable groups in society.
○ Some of the responsibilities of the Ministry of Family, as defined by this Federal Decree-Law, include:
1. Creating laws and strategies related to establishing stable families, implementing programs and mechanisms to protect the family structure from violence, and providing shelter services for vulnerable and at-risk groups.
2. Researching and proposing initiatives to increase fertility rates among Emirati families, as well as encouraging, preparing, and educating those preparing for marriage to form cohesive and connected families that take pride in national identity.
3. Ensuring the protection and well-being of children by securing their rights across all dimensions, including social, psychological, educational, health, and developmental aspects.
4. Formulating strategies and policies aimed at supporting vulnerable groups, including people of determination, senior citizens, orphans, and individuals of unknown parentage, and integrating them into society.
5. Establishing criteria and regulations for the licensing of institutions and centers that provide social services, as well as overseeing and supervising their operations.
تعديل أحكام القانون الاتحادي رقم (1) لسنة 1972 بشأن اختصاصات الوزرات وصلاحيات الوزراء.pdf