
Federal Decree-Law No. (49) of 2022 regarding human resources in the federal government specifying the types of employment in federal entities and indicates remote work, and the Cabinet issued Resolution No. 27 of 2020 regarding the remote work system in the federal government.


Governments worldwide have taken significant steps to promote remote work, a need that has become more apparent in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The United Arab Emirates is one such country that has embraced this system, making it a mode of employment for its citizens, particularly those in leadership roles or those slated for future appointments in federal ministries and entities. The implementation of remote work is subject to the determination of the federal entity, emphasizing the importance of coordination with the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources.

To formalize and regulate remote work in federal entities, Clause 6 / Paragraph 1 of Federal Decree-Law No. (49) of 2022 regarding human resources in the federal government specifies the types of employment in federal entities and indicates remote work, and the Cabinet issued Resolution No. 27 of 2020 regarding the remote work system in the federal government.

This resolution establishes guidelines, procedures, and mechanisms to govern remote work in the Federal entities, and this is under normal and ordinary circumstances, in parallel with other traditional types of work currently implemented at government workplaces.

Upon reviewing this resolution, it is evident that it applies exclusively to citizen employees, i.e., those holding the nationality of the United Arab Emirates.

The aim of this decision is to provide multiple work options for employees in their respective entities, promoting a balance between work and personal life, and reducing operational costs in federal entities. These objectives collectively contribute to the public good.

The mentioned resolution has restricted the positions eligible for remote work to be carried out through electronic means. It also specifies that the jobs suitable for remote work should have a nature that can be segmented. The resolution also outlines certain obligations on the part of the federal entity, requiring the provision of specific elements and mechanisms to implement the remote work system. Furthermore, employees working remotely are subject to the same conditions and regulations as outlined in the Human Resources Law and its executive regulations concerning appointment, probationary period, salaries, financial privileges, promotions, transfers, and leave.

Finally, it should be noted that remote work can be conducted either within the country, involving tasks performed outside the official workplace but still within the country, or outside the country, indicating work carried out remotely from a location beyond the nation’s borders. This is in accordance with the provisions of the Remote Work System from Outside the Country, issued by the Cabinet. However, the employee working within the remote work system must adhere to the duties of the principles of professional conduct and the ethics of public service. This includes ensuring the smooth progress of work within the federal entity, as well as fulfilling behavioral and professional obligations as an employee in the federal entity.


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